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08 June 2011

Started work on FTL a few weeks ago and now getting back to it. Hope to use the next week or so to form up the story. Have been reading Dramatica and hope that will give me some inspiration to keep my ideas organized into a reasonable well laid out storyline. Also picked up some good books on the subject of e-Book self-publishing and these have given me some added motivation to get my fingers moving on the keyboard.

So far FTL is a few scattered ideas that at least in my mind will lead to a story with some coherent trajectory. No real characters developed yet, I am hopeful Dramatica will help me form up those personas. The basic premise is that humans have evolved and propagated throughout the cosmos despite the fact that faster than light travel is not possible today and probably will never be practical. The question of how it then could be possible for humans to have populated the cosmos when we can barely launch chemical rockets to the reaches of our solar system is a matter of faith for some and for others a mystery.

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