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The Watchers

12 June 2011

The book of Enoch, one of the texts not included in the Bible, tells the story of the Watchers. 200 “fallen” angels which succumb to temptation and take human wives. Their offspring, the Nephilim, were said to be giants which were eventually wiped from the Earth in Noah’s great flood. Study of ancient cultures suggests other worldly beings possibly mingled with humans, producing the Pharaohs and possibly giving the people of Earth knowledge of tools which they could not have developed independently. I find an intriguing parallel between the story of the Watchers and the suggestion that these other worldly beings might have produced hybrids of humans and watchers. Is it too large a leap to go from “giants” to “Pharaohs”?

In the Book of Enoch there is great detail of the leaders of the Watchers. Among these leaders I find two Watchers particularly fitting actors; Azazal and Baraqel. Azazel is the Watcher which is said in Enoch to have given knowledge to humans of tools (taught humans to make knives, swords, shields). Baraqel is the Watcher which is said in Enoch to have given knowledge to humans of Astrology. An understanding of the stars and the methods of machinery would be required to build the great pyramids. So, these actors could indeed play a central role in mythology such as the creation of the great pyramids and other such wonders.

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